Tuscany, 1944: As Allied troops advance and bombs fall around deserted villages, a young English soldier, Ulysses Temper, finds himself in the wine cellar of a deserted villa. There, he has a chance encounter with Evelyn Skinner, a middle-aged art historian who has come to Italy to salvage paintings from the ruins and recall long-forgotten memories of her own youth. In each other, Ulysses and Evelyn find a kindred spirit amongst the rubble of war-torn Italy, and set off on a course of events that will shape Ulysses's life for the next four decades.
As Ulysses returns home to London, reimmersing himself in his crew at The Stoat and Parrot -- a motley mix of pub crawlers and eccentrics -- he carries his time in Italy with him. And when an unexpected inheritance brings him back to where it all began, Ulysses knows better than to tempt fate, and returns to the Tuscan hills.
With beautiful prose, extraordinary tenderness, and bursts of humor and light, Still Life is a sweeping portrait of unforgettable individuals who come together to make a family, and a richly drawn celebration of beauty and love in all its forms.
Tin Man
Sarah Winman
This is almost a love story.
Ellis and Michael are twelve when they first become friends, and for a long time it is just the two of them, cycling the streets of Oxford, teaching themselves how to swim, discovering poetry, and dodging the fists of an overbearing father. And then one day this closest of friendships grows into something more.
But then we fast forward a decade or so, to find that Ellis is married to Annie, and Michael is nowhere in sight. Which leads to the question, what happened in the years between?
This is almost a love story. But it's not as simple as that.
A Year of Marvellous Ways
Sarah Winman
Cornwall, 1947. Marvellous Ways is a ninety-year-old woman who's lived alone in a remote creek for nearly all her life. Recently she's taken to spending her days sitting on the steps of her caravan with a pair of binoculars. She's waiting for something - she's not sure what, but she'll know it when she sees it. Freddy Drake is a young soldier left reeling by the war. He's agreed to fulfil a dying friend's last wish and hand-deliver a letter to the boy's father in Cornwall. But Freddy's journey doesn't go to plan, and sees him literally wash up in Marvellous' creek, broken in body and spirit. When Marvellous comes to his aid, an unlikely friendship grows between the two. Can Freddy give Marvellous what she needs to say goodbye to the world, and can she give him what he needs to go on?
When God Was a Rabbit
Sarah Winman
When God was a Rabbit is an incredibly exciting debut from an extraordinary new voice in fiction.
Spanning four decades, from 1968 onwards, this is the story of a fabulous but flawed family and the slew of ordinary and extraordinary incidents that shape their everyday lives. It is a story about childhood and growing up, loss of innocence, eccentricity, familial ties and friendships, love and life. Stripped down to its bare bones, it’s about the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister.
Самый одинокий человек
Sarah Winman
В 2011 году дебютный роман английской актрисы Сары Уинман "Когда бог был кроликом" стал настоящей сенсацией. Эта "безукоризненно точная и хватающая за душу, в равной мере комичная и трагичная" история была переведена на несколько десятков языков и разошлась по всему миру многомиллионным тиражом. Во втором романе - "Дивная книга истин" - Уинман исследовала территорию магического реализма, и не менее успешно. А "Самый одинокий человек" начинается с рождественской лотереи: выиграв главный приз, Дора Джадд выбирает не бутылку виски, как советует муж, а репродукцию "Подсолнухов" Ван Гога; Дора верит, что в жизни мужчин тоже есть место красоте. А потом у Доры рождается сын, Эллис. И у Эллиса появляется друг Майкл. И однажды летом эти два закадычных приятеля едут в Прованс, где в их жизнь входит красавица Энни… Впервые на русском -"короткий роман невероятной эмоциональной силы" (Independent), "настоящее чудо, полное любви, томления и боли утраты" (Sunday Express).