Checked Out by the Chupacabra (Monstrous Meet Cutes #5)
Wendi Guff
CHECKED OUT BY A MONSTER—sounds hot, right?Except I’m not the type anyone ever gives a second glance to, let alone is interested in. The only thing guys check out from me are the books in the library that I oversee. But every day, the same Chupacabra comes back. At first, I think he’s just lonely as he prowls behind me as I work, asking me questions. Then I realize he can’t read. Knowing his job depends upon it, I offer to teach him, reading stories aloud to the sweet monster. Everything is great until he brings me The Tentacle Kama Sutra and Monster Orgasms with a wink, silently daring me to open them—and like an idiot, I accept the challenge. Now the damned man won’t leave me alone. He’s always lurking behind my shelves…Chasing me. Charming me. Cherishing me. It’s almost like one of those monster romances I secretly read alone at night—but those stories are labeled fiction for a reason. Will I continue to hide behind the pages of my book, or will Chente prove love isn’t just make-believe?