Kali Wallace

Kali Wallace studied geology and geophysics before she decided she enjoyed inventing imaginary worlds as much as she liked researching the real one. Her short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, F&SF, Asimov's, Lightspeed Magazine, and Tor.com. She is the author of the dark, fantastical teen novels Shallow Graves (2016) and The Memory Trees (2017), as well as the middle grade fantasy adventure City of Islands (2018). Her first novel for adults, the sci fi horror SALVATION DAY, is forthcoming from Berkley. She lives in southern California.
Shallow Graves

Shallow Graves

Kali Wallace

Hunters of the Lost City

Hunters of the Lost City

Kali Wallace

Salvation Day

Salvation Day

Kali Wallace

Dead Space

Dead Space

Kali Wallace

The Memory Trees

The Memory Trees

Kali Wallace

The Secrets of Underhill

The Secrets of Underhill

Kali Wallace