Christelle Dabos

Christelle Dabos was born in 1980 on the French Riviera and grew up in a home filled with classical music and historical puzzles. More imaginative than cerebral, she begins to scribble her first texts on the benches of the faculty. Settled in Belgium, she intends to be a librarian when a disease occurs. Writing then becomes an escape from the medical machinery, then a slow reconstruction and finally second nature. Meanwhile, she enjoys the society of Plume d´Argent, a community of authors on the Internet. It was thanks to their encouragement that she decided to take on her very first literary challenge: to enter the First Youth Novel Contest. Great winner among the three finalists, Christelle Dabos has written 4 books in the "La Passe-Miroir" series.
The Memory of Babel (The Mirror Visitor Quartet, #3)

The Memory of Babel (The Mirror Visitor Quartet, #3)

Christelle Dabos

The Missing of Clairdelune (The Mirror Visitor, #2)

The Missing of Clairdelune (The Mirror Visitor, #2)

Christelle Dabos

Les Fiancés de l'hiver (La Passe-Miroir, #1)

Les Fiancés de l'hiver (La Passe-Miroir, #1)

Christelle Dabos

Im Sturm der Echos (Die Spiegelreisende #4)

Im Sturm der Echos (Die Spiegelreisende #4)

Christelle Dabos

Das Gedächtnis von Babel (Die Spiegelreisenden, #3)

Das Gedächtnis von Babel (Die Spiegelreisenden, #3)

Christelle Dabos

Die Verschwundenen vom Mondscheinpalast (Die Spiegelreisenden, #2)

Die Verschwundenen vom Mondscheinpalast (Die Spiegelreisenden, #2)

Christelle Dabos

Die Verlobten des Winters (Die Spiegelreisenden, #1)

Die Verlobten des Winters (Die Spiegelreisenden, #1)

Christelle Dabos

The ​Missing of Clairdelune (The Mirror Visitor Quartet, #2)

The ​Missing of Clairdelune (The Mirror Visitor Quartet, #2)

Christelle Dabos

A Winter's Promise (The Mirror Visitor, #1)

A Winter's Promise (The Mirror Visitor, #1)

Christelle Dabos

The Storm of Echoes (The Mirror Visitor Quartet #4)

The Storm of Echoes (The Mirror Visitor Quartet #4)

Christelle Dabos

Here, and Only Here

Christelle Dabos