Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself
Radclyffe Hall
A novel from one of the great Lesbian writers of all time, Radcliffe Hall, author of The Well of Loneliness.
"This story, which is now being published for the first time, and in which I have permitted myself a brief excursion into the realms of the fantastic, was written in July 1926, shortly before I definitely decided to write my serious study of congenital sexual inversion, The Well of Loneliness.
"Although Miss Ogilvy is a very different person from Stephen Gordon, yet those who have read The Well of Loneliness will find in the earlier part of this story the nucleus of those sections of my novel which deal with Stephen Gordon's childhood and girlhood, and with the noble and selfless work done by hundreds of sexually inverted women during the Great War." (The author's forenote)