Jonathan K. Dodson
Did Jesus really beat death? That's what Christians have believed for hundreds of years, that Jesus Christ returned to life after death and burial in a stone tomb. To the modern mind, "resurrection" is utterly implausible, but it was also doubtful to many first-century Greeks, Jews, and even some Christians. With such an incredible assertion at the heart of the Christian faith, it's no wonder that some people struggle to believe.Unlike any other book on the resurrection, Raised? encourages you to doubt in order to believe. Too often Christians look down on doubt, but in Christ, we see a person who welcomes doubt and encourages faith. Jonathan Dodson and Brad Watson don't shy away from the hard questions or settle for easy answers. They help you to see how the resurrection offers hope for the future and answers for the life and death questions we all face."I encourage Christians and non-Christians alike to read this book. . . . provocative, illuminating, and succinct."--Eileen Flynn, former religion reporter for Austin American-Statesman and Journalism and religion lecturer at the University of TexasDodson andWatson write both for those who have never believed and for those who dobelieve, who have said the creeds and prayed the Lord's Prayer again and againyet who find themselves wondering, doubting, sometimes troubled by theundertones of a nagging question, sometimes staggered by a sudden convictionthat the Resurrection is utterly preposterous. This book is itself an act of pastoralministry, a winsome invitation to faith and discipleship. --JohnWilson, Editor, Books & CultureHundreds ofbooks have been written about this, but Raised?is strikingly different. It take doubt seriously, situates the resurrectionin a grander biblical narrative, and clarifies meanings of words that are sooften misunderstood. The subject matter of Raised?makes this book important, but the approach taken by Dodson and Watson iswhat makes it all matter. Read it expectantly!"-- Jonathan Merritt, author of Jesus isBetter Than You Imagined"Wonderfully demonstrates the plausibility of the resurrection of Jesus and the possibilities for a life of hope."--Sean McDonough, professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and author of Christ as Origins of a New Testament DoctrineThis is avery good, easy-to-read work that is both engaging and gospel-centered. Readit! Be encouraged by it! Share it with others that theymay cross the river of the resurrection! --J. D. Payne, pastor of church multiplication, The Church atBrook Hills, author ABiblical Response to Today's Questions , blogger @"As aleadership team, we were looking for the perfect resource to put in the handsof 1000 people coming through the doors on Easter Sunday morning. It had to beshort, accessible, easy to read, culturally relevant, theologically sound, andskeptic friendly. Our standards were high. Raised? met every one ofthem!" --JoshMcPherson, Lead Pastor, Grace CityChurch, NW NetworkDirector, Acts 29