Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
Five Smooth Stones : Hope's Diary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1776 (My America)
Kristiana Gregory
Seeds of Hope: The Gold Rush Diary of Susanna Fairchild (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile - 57 B.C.
Kristiana Gregory
The Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777 (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
Cannons at Dawn: The Second Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1779 (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
The Great Railroad Race: the Diary of Libby West (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
Earthquake at Dawn (Great Episodes)
Kristiana Gregory
Catherine: The Great Journey, Russia, 1743
Kristiana Gregory
Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine, France, 1136
Kristiana Gregory