Pandora's Lab: Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong
Paul A. Offit
What happens when ideas presented as science lead us in the wrong direction?
History is filled with brilliant ideas that gave rise to disaster, and this book explores the most fascinating—and significant—missteps: from opium's heyday as the pain reliever of choice to recognition of opioids as a major cause of death in the U.S.; from the rise of trans fats as the golden ingredient for tastier, cheaper food to the heart disease epidemic that followed; and from the cries to ban DDT for the sake of the environment to an epidemic-level rise in world malaria.
These are today's sins of science—as deplorable as mistaken past ideas about advocating racial purity or using lobotomies as a cure for mental illness. These unwitting errors add up to seven lessons both cautionary and profound, narrated by renowned author and speaker Paul A. Offit. Offit uses these lessons to investigate how we can separate good science from bad, using some of today's most controversial creations—e-cigarettes, GMOs, drug treatments for ADHD—as case studies. For every "Aha!" moment that should have been an "Oh no," this book is an engrossing account of how science has been misused disastrously—and how we can learn to use its power for good.
Tell Me When It's Over: An Insider's Guide to Deciphering Covid Myths and Navigating Our Post-Pandemic World
Paul A. Offit
From one of the world’s top virologists, the definitive guide to understanding—and navigating—COVID-19.
Three years on, COVID is clearly here to stay. So what do we do now? Drawing on his expertise as one of the world’s top virologists, Dr. Paul Offit helps weary readers address that crucial question in this brief, definitive guide.
As a member of the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee and a former member of the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices to the CDC, Offit has been in the room for the creation of policies that have affected hundreds of millions of people. In these pages, he marshals the power of hindsight to offer a fascinating frontline look at where we were, where we are, and where we’re heading in the now-permanent fight against the disease.
Accompanied by a companion website populated with breaking news and relevant commentary, this book contains everything you need to know to navigate COVID going forward. Offit addresses fundamental issues like boosters, immunity induced by natural infection, and what it means to be fully vaccinated. He explores the dueling origin stories of the disease, tracing today’s strident anti-vax rhetoric to twelve online sources and tracking the fallout. He breaks down long COVID—what it is, and what the known treatments are. And he looks to the future, revealing whether we can make a better vaccine, whether it should be mandated, and providing a crucial list of fourteen takeaways to eradicate further spread.
Filled with pragmatic analysis and sensible advice, TELL ME WHEN IT’S OVER is for anyone interested in finding new solutions to the new normal.
Overkill: When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far
Paul A. Offit
Modern medicine has significantly advanced in the last few decades as more informed practices, thorough research, and incredible breakthroughs have made it possible to successfully treat and even eradicate many serious ailments. Illnesses that once were a death sentence, such as HIV and certain forms of cancer, can now be managed, allowing those affected to live longer, healthier lives. Because of these advances, we now live 30 years longer than we did 100 years ago.
In this game-changing book, Dr. Paul A. Offit debunks fifteen common medical interventions that have long been considered gospel despite mounting evidence of their adverse effects, from vitamins, sunscreen, fever-reducing medicines, and eyedrops for pink eye to more serious procedures like heart stents and knee surgery. Analyzing how these practices came to be, the biology of what makes them so ineffective and harmful, and the medical culture that continues to promote them,
Overkill informs patients to help them advocate for their health. By educating ourselves, we can ask better questions about some of the drugs and surgeries that are all too readily available—and all too heavily promoted.
Ящик Пандоры. Семь историй о том, как наука может приносить нам вред
Paul A. Offit
7 захватывающих историй о том, как наука, которую мы привыкли считать «двигателем прогресса», шла по ложному пути и наносила огромный вред: от трансжиров до Лайнуса Полинга с его витамином C.
Наука — это тоже своего рода красивый ящик Пандоры. Нам любопытно узнать, что же она скрывает, поэтому мы, подчас, выпускаем на волю зло, причиняющее страдания и ведущее к смерти. В каких-то случаях ее результаты заложили бомбу замедленного действия и, возможно, в конце концов уничтожат нас. Поскольку все они корнями восходят к началу записанной истории, но эффект от них виден и по сей день, можно сказать, что мы так и не усвоили урок с ящиком Пандоры.
Одна из ключевых тем этой книги — истории ученых (многие из которых были лауреатами Нобелевской премии), продвигавших идеи, опасные для человечества. Профессор и доктор медицины Пол Оффит также затрагивает насущную проблему — неумение научных журналов, СМИ и политиков отличить обоснованную истину от опасных идей и их поддержка «вредной науки».
Для кого книга
Для всех, кому интересна история науки, особенно ее неоднозначные и даже немного зловещие страницы.
Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей вузов.
Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases
Paul A. Offit
His goal—to prevent every disease that commonly attacked children—was unattainable. But Maurice Hilleman came close. Maurice Hilleman is the father of modern vaccines. Chief among his accomplishments are nine vaccines that practically every child gets, rendering formerly deadly diseases — including mumps, rubella, and measles — nearly forgotten. Author Paul A. Offit's rich and lively narrative details Hilleman's research and experiences as the basis for a larger exploration of the development of vaccines, covering two hundred years of medical history and traveling across the globe in the process. The history of vaccines necessarily brings with it a cautionary message, as they have come under assault from those insisting they do more harm than good. Paul Offit clearly and compellingly rebuts these arguments, and, by demonstrating how much the work of Hilleman and others has gained for humanity, shows us how much we have to lose.