Author of LGBT+ romance and speculative fiction! Likes humans, monsters, and the hazy places between the two. * Personal Website* Amazon Author Page* Book Updates Twitter
Smoke Signals
Meredith Katz
Mike St. George figured that working customer support during the Black Friday sale at SmokeSignals, a game distribution company, would just feature the usual sort of problem customers. He wasn't expecting an aristocratic, self-centered dragon to demand the company send someone to his house to install games in exchange for gold. And he definitely wasn't expecting that to somehow put him in charge of working with and protecting the digital side of the dragon's hoard of games.
But with a possible promotion in his future, Mike's ready to take on anything. And while the blue-blooded Zali'thurg might be egotistical and prideful, Mike's wrangled worse customers on a regular basis. At least this one's cute, albeit in an 'apex predator' sort of way.
The Cybernetic Tea Shop
Meredith Katz
Clara Gutierrez is a highly-skilled technician specializing in the popular 'Raise' AI companions. Her childhood in a migrant worker family has left her uncomfortable with lingering in any one place, so she sticks around just long enough to replenish her funds before she moves on, her only constant companion Joanie, a fierce, energetic Raise hummingbird.Sal is a fully autonomous robot, the creation of which was declared illegal ages earlier due to ethical concerns. She is older than the law, however, at best out of place in society and at worst hated. Her old master is long dead, but she continues to run the tea shop her master had owned, lost in memories of the past, slowly breaking down, and aiming to fulfill her master's dream for the shop.When Clara stops by Sal's shop for lunch, she doesn't expect to find a real robot there, let alone one who might need her help. But as they begin to spend time together and learn more about each other, they both start to wrestle with the concept of moving on...
Empty Vessels (Sixth Sense Investigations, #1)
Meredith Katz
Haunted by the ghost of the man who saved his life at the cost of his own, Keith has developed an awareness beyond what humans can normally sense—a world of spirits, monsters, and fascinating people that can only be described as Others. When he starts to have prophetic dreams about strange creatures hunting down helpless Others, he realizes that there has to be something only he can do. Accompanied by Lucas, his best friend despite the complex feelings around his death, and the horned boy, a beautiful and mysterious Other, Keith knows that he has to confront his feelings and his fears in order to find his place in this new, strange world—and to protect the things that he’s coming to love. M/M polyamorous paranormal romance. An unwilling psychic investigates a strange horror threatening the local fae population, helped by his ghostly best friend and the deer-antlered man that runs a mysterious antique shop.