Rosamund Hodge

Catholic. Writer. Lay Dominican. I write books about gods & death & girls with knives. Next: WHAT MONSTROUS GODS, coming 03/05/2024.Goodreads policies: I do read messages. I seldom friend people. I never comment on reviews of my own work.
Crimson Bound

Crimson Bound

Rosamund Hodge

Cruel Beauty

Cruel Beauty

Rosamund Hodge

What Monstrous Gods

What Monstrous Gods

Rosamund Hodge

Gilded Ashes

Gilded Ashes

Rosamund Hodge

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, #1)

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, #1)

Rosamund Hodge

Endless Water, Starless Sky (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, #2)

Endless Water, Starless Sky (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, #2)

Rosamund Hodge

Desires and Dreams and Powers

Rosamund Hodge

Hunter, warrior, seamstress

Rosamund Hodge

Lists I Left for My Sister

Rosamund Hodge

Perfect World

Rosamund Hodge

Rules For Riding the Storm

Rosamund Hodge

The Sun and Other Stars

Rosamund Hodge


Rosamund Hodge

Situation Normal

Rosamund Hodge

A Guide for Young Girls Entering the Service of Fairies

Rosamund Hodge

Don't Look

Rosamund Hodge

Of the Death of Kings

Rosamund Hodge

Ways of Being a Mermaid’s Daughter

Rosamund Hodge

Cut Her Out in Little Stars

Rosamund Hodge