Justin A. Reynolds

justin a. reynolds has always wanted to be a writer. The earliest documentation of this desire was recorded on a sheet of green, learn-how-to-write-with-a-jumbo-pencil ruled kindergarten paper, which can be found prominently displayed in his mom’s office. OPPOSITE OF ALWAYS, his debut novel, was an Indies Introduce Top Ten Debut, a School Library Journal Best Book of 2019, translated in 17 languages, and is being developed for film with Paramount Players. He hangs out in northeast Ohio with his family, and is probably somewhere dancing terribly, or as his sister likes to say "doing the sports". His second novel EARLY DEPARTURES will publish in September 2020. It's far more likely you can reach justin via Twitter (@andthisjustin) IG (@justinwritesya) or his website. Thank you so much for your support!
Opposite of Always

Opposite of Always

Justin A. Reynolds

Miles Morales: Shock Waves

Miles Morales: Shock Waves

Justin A. Reynolds

Early Departures

Early Departures

Justin A. Reynolds

It's the End of the World and I'm in My Bathing Suit

It's the End of the World and I'm in My Bathing Suit

Justin A. Reynolds

House Party

House Party

Justin A. Reynolds

Forever Ends on Friday

Justin A. Reynolds

Running in Flip-Flops From the End of the World

Running in Flip-Flops From the End of the World

Justin A. Reynolds