Emily M. Danforth

emily m. danforth's first novel--The Miseducation of Cameron Post-- is a coming of GAYge story set largely in Miles City, Montana, the cattle ranching town where she was born and raised. It was made into a feature film of the same name in 2018.emily's second novel is a sapphic-gothic-comedy titled Plain Bad Heroines. Plain Bad Heroines is set largely in Rhode Island, the state where she's lived for almost a decade with her wife Erica and two dogs, Kevin and Sally O'Malley. emily has her MFA in Fiction from the University of Montana and a Ph.D in English-Creative Writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. For several years, she was an Assistant Professor of English at Rhode Island college. emily has also worked as a lifeguard, a swim instructor, a bartender, a waiter, an aquatics director at a YWCA, a door-to-door salesperson (for one summer in college), and a telemarketer (for about 2 weeks in college).emily' favorite slasher movie is April Fool's Day (1986). Her favorite drink is iced coffee with extra ice. (Followed closely by the Aperol Spritz.)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Emily M. Danforth

Plain Bad Heroines

Plain Bad Heroines

Emily M. Danforth

O mau exemplo de Cameron Post

Emily M. Danforth