Benjamín Labatut

Benjamin Labatut was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He spent his childhood in The Hague and Buenos Aires and when he was twelve years old he moved to Santiago de Chile, where he lives today.La Antártica empieza aquí was his first book, being published in México, where it won Premio Caza de Letras 2009, delivered by Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Editorial Alfaguara. His second book is titled Después de la luz, appeared in 2016, published by Editorial Hueders. After a deep personal crisis, Labatut wrote this book, conformed by scientific, historical and filosofical notes about the void. His third book Un verdor terrible, was published in spanish by Editorial Anagrama and also several countries such Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Portugal
When We Cease to Understand the World

When We Cease to Understand the World

Benjamín Labatut

The Maniac

The Maniac

Benjamín Labatut

La piedra de la locura

Benjamín Labatut

Un verdor terrible

Benjamín Labatut

Después de la luz

Benjamín Labatut

La Antártica empieza aquí

Benjamín Labatut


Benjamín Labatut