Jackie Khalilieh

JACKIE KHALILIEH is a Palestinian-Canadian writer with a love of nineties pop culture, Dad jokes, and warm and fuzzy romance. Like many autistic females, she received her diagnosis as an adult. She is passionate about positive representation within her writing. She currently resides just outside Toronto, Canada with her husband and two daughters, complaining nightly about having to cook dinner. Something More is her debut YA novel.Please note: As an author, I use Goodreads mostly to keep track of the books I want to read. I don't check/accept friend requests from readers/people on Goodreads who I don't know, as I feel that may blur the lines. I hope you understand. Thank-you! If you do want to interact, I'm active on Instagram and TikTok @jackiekhalilieh
You Started It

You Started It

Jackie Khalilieh

Something More

Something More

Jackie Khalilieh