Kaveh Akbar

Kaveh Akbar's poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, Tin House, PBS NewsHour, A Public Space, Guernica, Boston Review, and elsewhere. He is a recipient of a 2016 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation and the Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. He is also the founder and editor of Divedapper, a home for dialogues with vital voices in contemporary poetry.His first full-length collection, Calling a Wolf a Wolf, was published in 2017.Kaveh was born in Tehran, Iran and currently lives in Iowa. He was a visiting professor at Purdue University in Indiana in Fall 2017.
Portrait of the Alcoholic

Portrait of the Alcoholic

Kaveh Akbar

Pilgrim Bell: Poems

Pilgrim Bell: Poems

Kaveh Akbar

Another Last Call: Poems on Addiction and Deliverance

Another Last Call: Poems on Addiction and Deliverance

Kaveh Akbar

Calling a Wolf a Wolf

Calling a Wolf a Wolf

Kaveh Akbar



Kaveh Akbar