From the bestselling neurosurgeon and author of Do No Harm, comes Henry Marsh's And Finally, an unflinching and deeply personal exploration of death, life and neuroscience…
Не навреди. Истории о жизни, смерти и нейрохирургии
Henry Marsh
Совершая ошибки или сталкиваясь с чужими, мы успокаиваем себя фразами «Человеку свойственно ошибаться». Но утешают ли они того, кто стал жертвой чужой некомпетентности? И утешают ли они врача, который не смог помочь?
Нам хочется верить, что врач непогрешим на своем рабочем месте. В операционной всемогущ, никогда не устает и не чувствует себя плохо, не раздражается и не отвлекается на посторонние мысли. Но каково это на самом деле — быть нейрохирургом? Каково знать, что от твоих действий зависит не только жизнь пациента, но и его личность — способность мыслить и творить, грустить и радоваться?
Рано или поздно каждый нейрохирург неизбежно задается этими вопросами, ведь любая операция связана с огромным риском. Генри Марш, всемирно известный британский нейрохирург, раздумывал над ними на протяжении всей карьеры, и итогом его размышлений стала захватывающая, предельно откровенная и пронзительная книга, главную идею которой можно уложить в два коротких слова: «Не навреди».
Admissions: Life as a Brain Surgeon
Henry Marsh
Henry Marsh has spent a lifetime operating on the surgical front line. There have been exhilarating highs and devastating lows, but his love for the practice of neurosurgery has never wavered.
Following the publication of his celebrated New York Times bestseller Do No Harm, Marsh retired from his full-time job in England to work pro bono in Ukraine and Nepal. In Admissions, he describes the difficulties of working in these troubled, impoverished countries and the further insights it has given him into the practice of medicine.
Marsh also faces up to the burden of responsibility that can come with trying to reduce human suffering. Unearthing memories of his early days as a medical student and the experiences that shaped him as a young surgeon, he explores the difficulties of a profession that deals in probabilities rather than certainties and where the overwhelming urge to prolong life can come at a tragic cost for patients and those who love them.
Reflecting on what forty years of handling the human brain has taught him, Marsh finds a different purpose in life as he approaches the end of his professional career and a fresh understanding of what matters to us all in the end.
Admissions: A Life in Brain Surgery
Henry Marsh
Henry Marsh has spent a lifetime operating on the surgical front line. There have been exhilarating highs and devastating lows, but his love for the practice of neurosurgery has never wavered.
Following the publication of his celebrated New York Times bestseller Do No Harm, Marsh retired from his full-time job in England to work pro bono in Ukraine and Nepal. In Admissions, he describes the difficulties of working in these troubled, impoverished countries and the further insights it has given him into the practice of medicine.
Marsh also faces up to the burden of responsibility that can come with trying to reduce human suffering. Unearthing memories of his early days as a medical student and the experiences that shaped him as a young surgeon, he explores the difficulties of a profession that deals in probabilities rather than certainties and where the overwhelming urge to prolong life can come at a tragic cost for patients and those who love them.
Reflecting on what forty years of handling the human brain has taught him, Marsh finds a different purpose in life as he approaches the end of his professional career and a fresh understanding of what matters to us all in the end.
Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery
Henry Marsh
What is it like to be a brain surgeon? How does it feel to hold someone's life in your hands, to cut into the stuff that creates thought, feeling, and reason? How do you live with the consequences of performing a potentially lifesaving operation when it all goes wrong?
In neurosurgery, more than in any other branch of medicine, the doctor's oath to "do no harm" holds a bitter irony. Operations on the brain carry grave risks. Every day, leading neurosurgeon Henry Marsh must make agonizing decisions, often in the face of great urgency and uncertainty.
If you believe that brain surgery is a precise and exquisite craft, practiced by calm and detached doctors, this gripping, brutally honest account will make you think again. With astonishing compassion and candor, Marsh reveals the fierce joy of operating, the profoundly moving triumphs, the harrowing disasters, the haunting regrets, and the moments of black humor that characterize a brain surgeon's life.
Do No Harm provides unforgettable insight into the countless human dramas that take place in a busy modern hospital. Above all, it is a lesson in the need for hope when faced with life's most difficult decisions.