Bits & Prejudice: Finding Problems and Solutions of Bias in Technology
Ahmed Alshamary
Is technology biased? If so, is it the application or use of technology that is biased? Can we solve these negative outcomes?
In Bits & Prejudice, Ahmed Alshamary takes a stab at the interplay of technology and prejudice. We see why cameras are racist, how the Medical Residency Matching Program shows us that algorithms can be unfair, how racism and sexism exist in Google searches, and how AI and data might be the catalyst for a much better or much worse world.
Through the lens of these stories, Ahmed weaves a proposal for how to solve bias in technology. He proposes the idea that you—an experienced engineer, a freshman in college, or even a person who claims to know nothing about technology—should be involved in the discussion of how to build technology. Ahmed proposes that problems in technology can be solved only when more people contribute to the discussion. Bits & Prejudice is a must-read for anyone seeking solutions to technological prejudice.