Por Treze Razões

Por Treze Razões

Jay Asher

Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

Ao regressar das aulas, Clay Jensen encontrou à porta de casa uma estranha encomenda com o seu nome escrito, mas sem remetente. Ao abri-la descobriu sete cassetes com os lados numerados de um a treze. Graças a um velho leitor de cassetes, Clay é surpreendido pela voz de Hannah Baker, uma adolescente de dezasseis anos que se suicidara duas semanas antes e por quem estivera apaixonado. Na gravação, Hannah explica os treze motivos que a levaram a pôr fim à vida. Guiado pela voz de Hannah, Clay testemunha em primeira mão o seu sofrimento e descobre que os treze motivos correspondem a treze pessoas…

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  • Bella37A
    Mar 09, 2025
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

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  • leathehatless
    Mar 10, 2025
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    First and foremost I am not a specialist on the main topic of the novel, suicide. So I will not address representation or if it's realistic or not. I will leave that to the people that are more qualified to do so. I will only speak story wise because that is what I am doing, reviewing a book.

    13 reasons why is a hard novel to read. It's gut-wrenching having to sit with Clay and hear Hanna's story but it was an important story. I liked the narrative style, while confusing at first, it worked well. It felt like Hanna was speaking directly to the reader and that gave the narrative a more powerful impact.

    On the plot, I understand the negative aspects others claim the novel has. But for me the plot was mostly a cautionary tale, a story that is told so that you can think about that subject, learn from the characters mistakes and maybe handle the situation better if it ever happens to you. Because this is not just about suicide but also about the prevention and how you can help others, the things you shouldn't say, how you can help.
    Was it successful? At times, yes. Others, not so much. Some scenes felt off didn't improve the story and the lesson conveyed, it seems they were put for shock value. That is why in the end I gave it a four star rating.

    An aspect I need to talk is the tapes. While many people think about the tapes as revenge, and I think most of it happens because it feels simultaneous to the current action, for me they were about Hannah telling her story. She stayed quiet for so long, she endured so much and this was her catharsis. It was about Hannah getting clarity over the events that happened to her, about being heard. It was never about revenge.
    The only sad part is that in the end she still choose to take her life even after all of this. She could have delivered the tapes to someone else, realize that she could pick a different option but sadly it never happens.

    Overall, I believe it is an important conversation starter and it has value to think about the many subjects it approaches. Relevant to almost everyone but there are hard scenes to read about, so keep that in mind when picking it.

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  • bruna24dias
    Feb 21, 2025
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    Que livro decepcionante. A série foi incrível no entanto o livro deixou muito a desejar.

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