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Kell é um dos últimos viajantes, magos com a capacidade rara e muito desejada de viajar entre universos paralelos, ligados através de uma cidade mágica. Existe a Londres Cinzenta, suja e aborrecida, desprovida de qualquer magia e regida por um rei louco: George III. Existe a Londres Vermelha, onde a vida e a magia são veneradas e onde Kell cresceu com Rhy Maresh, o herdeiro irreverente de um império próspero. Existe a Londres Branca, um lugar onde as pessoas lutam para controlar a magia e a magia contra-ataca, consumindo a cidade até aos ossos. Outrora, existiu a Londres Negra. Mas já ninguém fala dela. Kell é oficialmente o viajante da Londres Vermelha, embaixador do império Maresh, guardião da correspondência mensal entre as realezas de cada Londres. Não oficialmente, é um contrabandista, servindo as pessoas dispostas a pagar pelo mais pequeno vislumbre de um mundo que nunca verão. É um passatempo difícil, cujas consequências perigosas Kell sofrerá em primeira mão. Fugitivo na Londres Cinzenta, conhece Delilah Bard, uma fora da lei com aspirações grandiosas. Primeiro, rouba-o, depois, salva-o de um inimigo mortífero e, por fim, obriga-o a levá-la para outro mundo à procura de uma verdadeira aventura. Mas uma magia perigosa cresce e a traição está em todas as esquinas. Para salvar todos os mundos, têm, antes de mais, de sobreviver.
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Update for 09.09.2020
Honestly, I enjoyed the book a lot more on a second read and Lila didn't bother me as much this time. I still feel she is the special magic pixie girl and that she will be a secret Antari of some sorts.
But there was a lot I didn't remember. V.E. Schwab is a amazing author, I appreciate her choices in storytelling.
I was a bit harsh but honestly, a readathon brings out the worst of you. Reading under pressure is terrible and I become mean.
Sorry V.E. Schwab. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.
Pick it up, I feel is a good level entry fantasy.
Many cookies and cakes, SF
Read for Readers Crossing Readathon.
The premise is fantastic but the execution is poor. A Darker Shade of Magic was disappointing, to say the least. From hearing great things about V.E. Schwab's fantastic writing I was left with very little proof of that. Let's take it by parts.
I liked the concept of the parallel London's, the magic system and the mystery the narrative had. I will say it's very atmospheric and Kell is, for the most part, somewhat interesting. I wish we explored this part a bit more.
For the plot, it was predictable and very bland. This book felt like a set up and it never explored the world properly. Also, the stakes were never really there, every time the protagonists were pushed into a corner someone would rescue them. We never got to see them really shine on anything and some decisions they made were questionable, to say the least. Not even get me started on the villains, I want to weep a bit on reminding myself how cringewhorthy they were most of the time.
As for characters, Lila was mean, even if the author wanted you to love her. Kell was just there. To be honest, they have no chemistry as a couple and I think it's really forced how the author brings them together. I just don't get it.
Maybe I'm heartless, maybe I'm a cynic that is dead inside, honestly no one can tell at this point. I know that this was a flat 3 star for me. If you want melodrama and fun, go for it. If you are here for the parallel universes, just go watch Rick and Morty. Trust me on this one.