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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is fifth book in Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling, a successful writer of previous four books about a young wizard that enchanted the hearts of both the young and the grown-ups. Maybe the most important thing about this sequel is that it is the longest book of all seven, with its thirty-eight chapters and more than seven hundred pages (total number of pages varies according to the country; Swedish has, for example a thousand pages while UK version has seven hundred sixty six). Similar to the last four books, this one also revolves around young wizard named Harry Potter, his life in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his coming of age, relationship with his friends Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, but difference is that this book revolves more around Harry’s relationship with his godfather Sirius Black, introduced in the third book- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Also, the fifth book is somewhat more ‘mature’ and more ‘sinister’, because here readers learn that lord Voldemort (evil sorcerer and the nemesis of Harry) has indeed returned, along with his followers called ‘’Death Eaters’’ and that he has taken physical form and that the events that will happen because of their actions will be the core of the story. Click the Buy Now With One Click Button, and learn everything about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . Harry potter and the order of phoenix, harry potter book 5, harry potter series kindle edition book 1-7, harry potter kindle free series, harry potter and the order of phoenix free
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