ONE MOMENT. TWO MASKS. THREE CHASES INTO THE NIGHT. They’re supposed to be enemies. It takes one night with a masked man to change that all. They crave the next touch of the person they hate the most. Desperate for that next taste of the person they can’t stand. Waiting for that anonymous text message to accelerate their heartbeats. The thrill of the chase with the forbidden fruit is enough to blur the lines and the world around them. The first problem? They both have girlfriends. The worst problem? They’re stepbrothers. This story comes with extremely triggering content. Please read the triggers before continuing.
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Just the fact that it was written by Leigh and Harleigh I knew this was going to be amazing. "Chokehold" totally sucked me in with its forbidden stepbrother trope and enemies-to-lovers vibe. The tension between the two main characters is off the charts, and their morally gray personalities made it hard to put down. Seriously, I couldn't stop reading! The push and pull between them is super addictive, and the spicy scenes definitely don't disappoint. It's a wild ride of emotions with some seriously messed up characters, but that's what makes it so good.