I hate Galaxy 6781. HATE it! One last job. The bounty of a lifetime. It wasn’t supposed to end with me on a Skogari slave planet and my entire crew dead. So, after three months of misery, when the chance to escape presented itself, I took it. Had I known more about my fellow escapee, I might have reconsidered. I don’t believe in fate or true love, so when Grantham, crowned prince of Ditali, tried giving me some schpiel about how the universe has chosen us to be together, as in together ‘together’, I shot that theory down stat. I mean, I’m not even into males. He’s so far off base it isn’t even funny. Except…now he says he’s dying, and I don’t mean in the dramatic sense of someone who got turned down by a handsome human bounty hunter. Dying in the sense that because said handsome bounty hunter rejected our so-called ‘fating’, he’s literally wasting away before my eyes. Sad, but what do I care? We’re strangers. I care because we’re the only two beings on this vessel we stole during our escape, and he’s the only one of us who knows how to fly it. The debris field we’re approaching can kiss my backside, right along with the damn universe and Grantham’s cockamamie fating theory because as much as I’m not into males, I’m not ready to die. They’d better throw me a parade when we get to his planet. Talk about taking a wrong turn. Galaxy 6781, I really, really, really hate you. A satirical, scifi, MM erotica romance.
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