A Partir de Uma História Verdadeira

A Partir de Uma História Verdadeira

Delphine de Vigan

Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

A história é contada na primeira pessoa, com Delphine, a narradora, como uma das duas personagens. Todos os nomes são de pessoas reais: o da autora/narradora, o dos filhos, do namorado… A história é aparentemente autobiográfica e, no entanto, torna-se a certa altura um jogo de espelhos, em que é difícil discernir entre realidade e ficção. Nada previsível, cheio de surpresas, com um suspense crescente (chega a ser atemorizante), mantém o leitor literalmente agarrado até ao fim(*). Delphine crê que a sua incapacidade de escrever terá coincidido com a entrada de L. na sua vida. L. é a mulher perfeita que Delphine gostaria de ser: muito bonita, impecavelmente cuidada, de uma grande sofisticação e inteligência. L. está também ligada à escrita – é escritorafantasma. L. insinua-se lenta mas inexoravelmente na vida de Delphine: lê-lhe os pensamentos, adivinha-lhe os desejos e necessidades, termina-lhe as frases, torna-se totalmente indispensável – é a amiga ideal. Mas, aos poucos, sabemos que ela conseguiu isolar Delphine (afastando toda a gente), que lhe lê os diários, a correspondência, que se faz passar por ela! E quer demover Delphine de escrever o livro que esta está a preparar, obrigando-a a escrever a obra que ela (L.) quer: Introduz-se, assim, na vida da amiga de forma insidiosa, permanente, por fim violenta, controlando tudo. É aqui que há um volte-face na intriga – até aí muito perto do real – e uma possibilidade autobiográfica. O fim é maravilhosamente surpreendente. O seu livro anterior, "Rien ne s’Oppose à la Nuit", em que conta a história da mãe, vendeu cerca de um milhão de exemplares em França e teve vendas na casa das dezenas de milhares em Espanha.

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  • leathehatless
    Mar 10, 2025
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    I will do a in dept review this time, this book had me thinking and left me with tons to share. So, if you are looking for a story where the author bends reality and fiction with the intent of thinking about literature this is the book for you. If you are looking for a thriller this might not be it.

    This review will contain mild spoilers from here. And a massive rant!

    First, I must confess I never believed this to be a factual retelling of past events. This always came across as a literary exercise. That's why I was never surprised with the twists or the ending. I guess the prompt used and how it would end. For a thriller it wasn't suspenseful, the narrator was to dull and repetitive. There was no build up towards a big reveal. I knew from the start that L was just a side of the author that she is not comfortable in admitting she has. That's why there is no proof L ever existed. Because she is a fictional character built for this story. Or perhaps a flesh out version of the critics the author faced. Take a pick. So, I will say the marketing is deceitful.

    Onward to what it actually was, a book about another books. But mostly about writers.
    Delphine, was a unreliable narrator that was hard to connect with. I also had severe anxiety and I know that a lot of people deal with it in various forms but it came across as a plot device to increase the drama. It was never addressed or thought through out. It just portrait Delphine as weak for having anxiety and depression and honestly it's not true. People are more than just their illness. Delphine besides being sick was just tormented for the sake of being a tragic character.

    Besides all of this, the character that boiled my blood was L. L. is that obnoxious, snob, condescending prick that only considers "real" literature the classic. If it's not real if the author is not pouring their soul into the novel. If he isn't its not worth her time, it's trash.
    And I cannot tell you how much I wanted to punch the bitch in the face.
    I would burry her in a smoking pile of trash because that is where she belong. Because you know what L? Literature is not built for people raised among the intellectuals of Paris in their stupid cafes. Is a way to open borders, unity strangers in the most peculiar way, making you understand others, mostly through fictional worlds and characters because then people meet others without the expectations or limitations of prejudice and stereotypes. That is the beauty of fiction.
    You think you know audiences? Bitch, you don't even deserve to be in the same city as any copy of Alice in Wonderland or Harry Potter on the shelves of a bookstore. Do us all a favor and exit the planet. Thank god she vanished. Let's hope there isn't a sequel. Or do one where she is hit by a car! It would fit the theme.

    You might think I hated this book based on my rant but honestly I really liked it. It has been a while that a book made me think about a topic in such an intense way. Do pick it up if you can but take into account that is a book with mature content.

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