Mangiecorgi111104 joined a quest
Greek Myth Retellings 🏛️🏺🧿
🏆 // 160 joined
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Modern retellings of iconic, ancient tales
Mangiecorgi111104 joined a quest
Neurodivergent Middle Grade 🧠♾️🧒
💎 // 19 joined
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A collection of Middle Grade books with Neurodivergent MCs (includes Autistic, ADHD, OCD, Synesthetic, and Dyslexic perspectives)
Mangiecorgi111104 finished reading and left a rating...
Mangiecorgi111104 finished reading and wrote a review...
Honestly I had already followed this series on tiktok for a long time but reading this book brought me such good feelings, and I loved the story of how Lily bécame lily
Mangiecorgi111104 finished a book
The Foxhole Court (All for the Game, #1)
Nora Sakavic