alienpod joined a quest
Lord of the Rings & Tolkien's Legendarium 🧙♂️🌳🔥
💎 // 119 joined
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The four books in Tolkien’s main Middle-earth saga + several other collections published posthumously.
alienpod joined a quest
Quiet Novels 🏡💭🤫
🏆 // 78 joined
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Contemporary Literary Fiction where nothing out of the ordinary happens but the characters’ inner lives are rich, complicated, and layered.
alienpod joined a quest
Iconic Series 📚👤💭
🏆 // 268 joined
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A collection of the pilot books for popular series, for those of us who love to follow a character's journey for as long as an author will let us! Some of the below series have heavily debated starting points and book read orders--in those cases the pilot was selected based on what seems to be the most popular approach.
alienpod joined a quest
Made for the Movies 🎥⭐😎
🏆 // 284 joined
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Books that made it on the big screen
alienpod joined a quest
Octavia Butler's Afro-Futuristic World 💫🌑🧬
💎 // 45 joined
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All of her groundbreaking works, exploring themes of Afrofuturism, power, and survival.
alienpod earned a badge
Octavia Butler's Afro-Futuristic World
Champion: Finished 5 Side Quest books.
alienpod started reading...
The Woman in the Dunes
Kōbō Abe
alienpod started reading...
Kaveh Akbar
alienpod started reading...
The Odyssey
alienpod finished a book
The Sword of Kaigen
M.L. Wang
alienpod earned a badge
Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings
Bronze: Finished 5 Main Quest books.
alienpod finished reading and left a rating...
alienpod finished reading and left a rating...
alienpod finished reading and left a rating...
alienpod set their yearly reading goal to 52