fatedmates finished reading and wrote a review...
A near perfect example of paranormal romance and road trip romance. Also, if you are looking for rom com, this is a very funny book.
fatedmates commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum
I've been meaning to try listening to audiobooks for a while and I'd love to know your best tips! Where do you listen to audiobooks? The only platforms I know that have the most range, at least according to what I usually read, are audible and audiobooks but I also don't love the fact that I'd be paying a membership plus paying for each individual book. How do you listen to audiobooks? Do you listen to them while doing other stuff or while reading the book you're listening to? A big reason why I want to try audiobooks is to do what I've seen people call "immersive reading" aka listening and reading the book at the same time cause it honestly sounds kinda fun! Thank you in advance <3
fatedmates commented on a post
These are the romance novels that we never get tired of reading. That we never get tired of reading about. Or talking about. We've been meaning to collect our deep dive episodes in one place for years, and we've finally done it, largely spurred on by Pagebound's existence. We hope you'll find something you love in this collection, and we hope you'll enjoy listening to us, your newfound discoverabilibuddies, talk about it. Go for the gold!
fatedmates finished reading and wrote a review...
One of the best romances of 2020. A textbook for human relationships.
fatedmates finished reading and wrote a review...
Lisa Valdez shook up the traditional historical world in 2005 when she released this erotic historical featuring a widow and a dude with an extremely large...
fatedmates commented on a post
Post from the Fated Mates: Romance Books for Novel People forum
These are the romance novels that we never get tired of reading. That we never get tired of reading about. Or talking about. We've been meaning to collect our deep dive episodes in one place for years, and we've finally done it, largely spurred on by Pagebound's existence. We hope you'll find something you love in this collection, and we hope you'll enjoy listening to us, your newfound discoverabilibuddies, talk about it. Go for the gold!
fatedmates finished reading and left a rating...
fatedmates earned a badge
Fated Mates Book Club: Romance Books for Novel People
Gold: Finished 15 Main Quest books.
fatedmates finished reading and left a rating...
One of the most delightful books in modern historical romance.
fatedmates earned a badge
Fated Mates Book Club: Romance Books for Novel People
Silver: Finished 10 Main Quest books.
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What to Read if You Liked the Love Hypothesis
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Romances With a Ticking Clock
fatedmates finished reading and wrote a review...
Jessica is one of the best heroines of all time!
fatedmates finished reading and wrote a review...
A full on banger. Jack Mulligan is everything you could possibly want in a romance hero, Justine Greene is the do goodingest do gooder who ever was, and the way they adore each other is enough to wreck you.
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This one dials forced proximity up to 11, and does the excellent job of answering just how horrifying a world can you write a romance in? The answer is very. Very horrifying. Love blooms in even the darkest of places.
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Romance! In! Space!
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When we were covering all the Immortals After Dark books, we had a "Lost Limbs Count" section in the notes for each book. We had to bring the feature back for this one.