honeychurch finished reading and left a rating...
honeychurch finished reading and left a rating...
There is no doubt in my mind that Tommy Orange is an incredible writer. I was overwhelmed by the vivid prose in the first part of the book and the storytelling that weaved together a narrative of such depth with the painful history of Native Americans. Wandering Stars spans across generations and tells a story of Native American identity and heritage, what it even is after so much violence and erasure; addiction; and the fight for survival -- for something more than survival. I found out too late that this was a sort of prequel and sequel to Tommy Orange's debut, There, There. Reading other reviews, it seems that Wandering Stars is much better in the context of that first book, and thus this review ultimately is incomplete. Perhaps that is why I felt a bit lost at times when it came to the characters, emotionally, and that the book was doing too much of that wandering.
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The Handmaid’s Tale (The Handmaid's Tale, #1)
Margaret Atwood
Post from the Shred Sisters forum
That feeling of crisis when you haven't read any of the nominated books. Only this one is in my library, as Want-To-Read. Better get started!
honeychurch finished reading and left a rating...
Post from the The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes, #5) forum
I love how Sherlock leaves John to his own devices and he just freaks out over all the responsibility that has been put on his shoulders.
honeychurch DNF'd a book
Cirkelns fyra hörn
Jerker Virdborg
honeychurch started reading...
Daphne du Maurier