litfic.lover's avatar


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lover of literary fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction :)

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The Crown Ain't Worth Much (Button Poetry)
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
Pride and Prejudice
Transcendent Kingdom

Recent Reviews

  • Homegoing
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    This is one of the most unique books I’ve read, especially in regards to the narrative style. Gyasi manages to craft extremely developed and complex characters, despite them only having a chapter to highlight their story.

    I typically don’t gravitate towards historical fiction, so it took me a bit to get into this book, but once I did, wow. It’s so intricately crafted with how all the characters and the two lines of descendants tie together. Even the subtle callbacks to previous ancestors/relatives are so carefully constructed. For this reason, I did have to look back to understand the nuances of how some details related back in the line of descendants, but that was more my struggle lol.

    Gyasi has such a beautiful writing style, and this is a precise, stunning novel that I highly recommend to anyone and everyone!!

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  • The Secret History
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    3.25 stars

    The writing style was beautiful and very descriptive, but in my opinion, it made the book much longer than necessary and it felt like the story dragged at times. Personally, I didn’t connect with any of the characters and found them unlikable (although I gather that was the intention). This meant I had a tough time enjoying this book fully. I did, overall, like the book otherwise, which is why I’m giving it 3.25 stars.

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  • Wuthering Heights
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    3.5 stars

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