lydthekid13 set their yearly reading goal to 130
lydthekid13 finished reading and wrote a review...
This was fun. I love this story and these characters. I like it best when we get to see the main love interest together a lot throughout the book and there were just other plot focuses this book which is fine. But I love the moment at the end when Tsugumi decided to keep the collar. So cute.
lydthekid13 finished a book
The Last Omega in the Galaxy (Scales and Tails of Fate Book 1)
Lilo Quie
lydthekid13 finished reading and wrote a review...
This was so fun. I loved the characters. Half the time I definitely didn’t get the science stuff or genes or exactly why some people were considered abominations and some weren’t but I suspended my disbelief/confusion because this was such an enjoyable read. Loved the personalities throughout like Merril and Doc and even what we got of the baby. So fun!
lydthekid13 finished reading and wrote a review...
This was a ride in that I really thought I was going to DNF or give it like a 2.5 because the pacing was kinda awful. It’s a short book so things needed to move fast but I’ve seen other books that are short paced well so that no excuse to me. Things happened too quick, insta-love to the max. But the book was kind funny at part and I liked the characters for the most part. It would’ve been better longer but I still had a good time surprisingly.