Post from the Pagebound Club forum
When searching books to add to a list or tag, it'd be nice to be able to add multiple books from one search. For example, if I search an author or series, i'd like to be able to add multiple at once instead of typing it over and over again to add one-by-one (I did post this in a comment on the welcome post when I first joined (now edited), but realize I probably should have made its own post)
BeeCozy finished reading and left a rating...
BeeCozy finished reading and left a rating...
BeeCozy created a list
Danger Lizards
BeeCozy paused reading...
Bound By Secrets
Mia Sian
BeeCozy paused reading...
Deception (The Ethereal Gods, #2)
Rachel Callahan
Post from the Pagebound Club forum
I'd like more variety on the discover page 😅 Could there be a "what your following has read" and/or a "readers who read books you've read also read these" section? Like recommendations, or just something to give variety, because there's a lot of overlap now, and not much new stuff
BeeCozy wants to read...
A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping
Sangu Mandanna
Post from the Pagebound Club forum
I think a fun feature to add would be tag clouds on book pages. You could either pull from reviews/forum posts or have them be user-contributed. It might be kind of a cool way for people to get the vibes of a book before reading it. It could also have a spoiler toggle, so that words that are deemed too spoilery can be hidden while things like "Feel-good," "coming of age," "beach read," "witchy," etc. are highlighted. Or just an option to hide it completely lol I like the idea of a tag cloud because it visualizes what people feel are important to the book in a kind of hierarchical way.
BeeCozy commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum
Just started making some lists but realised you can't re-order books it seems? Would be great to be able to do that to add more books in a series as I read them, but then be able to keep all the books in the same series together in the list or similar!
BeeCozy wants to read...
The Omega Project (Billionaires in Heat #5)
Roxy Collins
BeeCozy DNF'd a book
Inhuman Origins: Enchanted Bloodlines Book 5
Dayna Styles
BeeCozy finished reading and left a rating...
BeeCozy started reading...
Get Rekd (Witchy Games Book 3)
Kira Roman
BeeCozy commented on a List
Puck this List of Romance Books
BeeCozy started reading...
Rage Quit (Witchy Games Book 2)
Kira Roman
BeeCozy commented on a post
Y'all... I did NOT expect to see my shitty-connective-tissue issues featured in this super popular romantasy book. And I thought it was done really well actually?? We got to see visible and invisible elements of chronic illness, both big problems and little nuisances, the importance of your mentality, clever workarounds and accomodations... Any other chronically ill folks have thoughts on this?
BeeCozy joined a quest
Iconic Series 📚👤💭
🏆 // 123 joined
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A collection of the pilot books for popular series, for those of us who love to follow a character's journey for as long as an author will let us! Some of the below series have heavily debated starting points and book read orders--in those cases the pilot was selected based on what seems to be the most popular approach.