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185 points

Currently ReadingThe Death of Ivan Ilyich and Confession
My TasteSee Library
0% overlap
Let the Great World Spin
My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story (with Recipes)
The Story of the Lost Child
Hello Beautiful
The Year of Magical Thinking

Recent Reviews

  • For the Culture: The Power Behind What We Buy, What We Do, and Who We Want to Be
    Enjoyment: 2.0Quality: 3.0Characters: Plot:

    as someone who doesn't work in marketing this one was a bit harder for me to relate to. i thought there would be a bit more practical information but i had a pretty hard time following the points the author was trying to make.

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  • Do Conversation: There’s no such thing as small talk (Do Books, 38)
    Enjoyment: 3.0Quality: 4.0Characters: Plot:

    this feels like one i should have quit. a lot of the points in the book seemed very obvious. the line that will probably stick with me most is ‘the aim isn't to become good at conversation, it is to become good at being you, in conversation. later today you will have a conversation of some kind. when you do, you have the precious chance to connect with your own experience and the people you are talking with and, as a result, become more alive. never cease to be amazed by this. however common it may be, it is also extraordinary - miraculous even.’

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  • Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
    Enjoyment: Quality: Characters: Plot:

    read this book after a recommendation from friends, so i came in with pretty high expectations. i was expecting a book with more a more practical approach, but the stories of Jim Cymbala and his church and how they believed in and used the power of prayer to get God's work done really stood out to me. although i didn't realize as i was reading the book, a lot of things really stood out to me and have really inspired me to grow and learn to pray more fervently!

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