chesskuh started reading...
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk
chesskuh finished reading and left a rating...
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chesskuh rated a book...
chesskuh wrote a review...
I wish this one lived up to the hype for me. It was a little too insta-love for me, but a fun read overall. I’m intrigued to continue the series. Heads up that there’s gore/graphic descriptions for obvious reasons!
chesskuh joined a quest
Here for the Himbos 💪❤️🥩
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Kind, beefy, and bumbling, these male love interests are sweet and maybe a tad spicy.
chesskuh wrote a review...
I love when you can root for unlikeable and messy characters in a romance book.
chesskuh set their yearly reading goal of 25