deecaf started reading...
Banana Yoshimoto
deecaf finished and wrote a review for Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture...
Super insightful. My favourite discussion was around the erosion of personal taste, which we're seeing every day. Look no further than the proliferation of "thrift stores" selling sports jerseys that look the same - almost as as if catering to today's Gen Z fashion influenced by the early 2000s. When I step into a second-hand store, I want to know the history behind each piece, its origin story. But I digress. The point is, in passively consuming what's being fed to us by algorithms, have we given up our agency to figure out what we truly find meaningful and enjoy?
deecaf wrote a review...
Not sure if some of these essays can necessarily be labelled “eco feminist”. My favourite standout essay was "Coming Home: Healing from Intergenerational Trauma" by Nurul Fadiah Johari, but in general, some of the other essays felt particularly pretentious.
deecaf finished Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore
Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore
Esther Vincent
deecaf wants to read How Do You Live?
How Do You Live?
Genzaburo Yoshino