theleahschronicles joined a quest
Made for the Movies 🎥⭐😎
🏆 // 76 joined
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Books that made it on the big screen
theleahschronicles joined a quest
Iconic Series 📚👤💭
🏆 // 70 joined
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A collection of the pilot books for popular series, for those of us who love to follow a character's journey for as long as an author will let us! Some of the below series have heavily debated starting points and book read orders--in those cases the pilot was selected based on what seems to be the most popular approach.
theleahschronicles set their yearly reading goal to 52
Post from the book forum
Post from the book forum
Post from the book forum
theleahschronicles DNF'd a book
The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1)
Jenny Han
theleahschronicles DNF'd a book
Consider Me (Playing For Keeps, #1)
Becka Mack
theleahschronicles DNF'd a book
Legend of the Huntress (The Chosen, #1)
K. Godin