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Games & Trials 🏅🎯🏁
🏆 // 207 joined
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Competitions for power, notoriety, love, or maybe even your life.
brytanykb wants to read...
Anatomy (The Anatomy Duology, #1)
Dana Schwartz
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Dark Academia 💀📜🍷
🏆 // 346 joined
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Gather in these hallowed halls
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Greek Myth Retellings 🏛️🏺🧿
🏆 // 167 joined
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Modern retellings of iconic, ancient tales
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Made for the Movies 🎥⭐😎
🏆 // 252 joined
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Books that made it on the big screen
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Cozy Fantasy ✨☕️🤗
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Fictional books that feel like a warm hug, featuring magic and whimsy and perfectly happy endings. These are lower on stakes and higher on good vibes!
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Sarah J Massverse 👑🌌❤️🔥
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Listed in the recommended reading order for people who like to read full series.
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Brandon Sanderson Universes 🗡️⚡️🌌
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Step into the Cosmere... Listed in the order that Brandon Sanderson recommends to new readers of his work in 2024.
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Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings 🐉⚔️🌊
🏆 // 85 joined
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If you're a completionist, read in this order. Otherwise you can start with The Liveship Traders Trilogy or The Rain Wild Chronicles, but make sure you save Fitz and the Fool for last.
brytanykb wants to read...
The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos, #1)
Samantha Shannon
brytanykb set their yearly reading goal to 100
brytanykb wants to read...
The Familiar
Leigh Bardugo
brytanykb wants to read...
Evocation (The Summoner’s Circle, #1)
S.T. Gibson
brytanykb wants to read...
The Starless Sea
Erin Morgenstern