Livinsa joined a quest
Monster Romance Series Starters 😈💜🌶
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A collection of pilot books for monster romance series.
Livinsa wants to read...
Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1)
Brandon Sanderson
Livinsa wants to read...
The Poppy War (The Poppy War, #1)
R.F. Kuang
Livinsa wants to read...
Tress of the Emerald Sea
Brandon Sanderson
Livinsa wants to read...
Blood Over Bright Haven
M.L. Wang
Post from the Die dunkle Hochzeit (Ever & After, #2) forum
The humor of this author is awesome! The plot it thrilling and I just can´t put this book down.
Livinsa started reading...
Die dunkle Hochzeit (Ever & After, #2)
Stella Tack
Livinsa finished reading and wrote a review...
She just broke my heart and put it back together. The three books were really good!
Livinsa started reading...
The Rebels of Gold (Loom Saga #3)
Elise Kova
Livinsa finished reading and wrote a review...
Aaahhhhhhh the last 100 pages killed me! But overall was the book good! The characters development was there and also a little bit more romance
Post from the The Dragons of Nova (Loom Saga, #2) forum
Livinsa started reading...
The Dragons of Nova (Loom Saga, #2)
Elise Kova
Livinsa commented on mithrandir_reads's update
mithrandir_reads started reading...
One Dark Window (The Shepherd King, #1)
Rachel Gillig
Livinsa finished reading and wrote a review...
This was a really good steampunkt book! The worldbuilding is great and it has uniqu characters. The dragons in the books are nothing like you read ever before. Happy to start with the second book!
Post from the The Alchemists of Loom (Loom Saga, #1) forum
She is the morally grey and I love it! The world is so fascinating and the characters are unique and awesome!
Livinsa started reading...
The Alchemists of Loom (Loom Saga, #1)
Elise Kova
Post from the What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile, #1) forum
The writing style is really good! But I think this books is really slow. It’s not bad but I‘m curious how many action do we get?
Post from the What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile, #1) forum
So far so good. I really like her as a character. She is intelligent and really brave
Livinsa started reading...
What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile, #1)
Isabel Ibañez