pageturner11 set their yearly reading goal to 45
pageturner11 commented on a post
I recently started Elantris as my first Brandon Sanderson book and I’m already loving it. I’m pausing currently so I can buddy read starting next week, but I’m already ~20% in and I’m so in love.
pageturner11 finished reading and wrote a review...
WOW this was a phenomenal psychological thriller. Little clues are sprinkled throughout but you will never see the ending coming. I immediately went back and reread parts to get a full sense of what happened, but this is definitely a book that can (actually NEEDS to) be read multiple times.
Post from the book forum
Post from the book forum
The tension is insane 😱 I’m so sucked in, there’s so many tiny creepy details yet nothing out of the ordinary has taken place. If it wasn’t for these interludes of gossip about some crime, I’d be wondering if the eeriness was all in her head.
Post from the book forum
Ive never read such an accurate description of slowly getting the ick 😂
pageturner11 paused reading...
Alexandra Bracken
pageturner11 joined a quest
Sarah J Massverse 👑🌌❤️🔥
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Listed in the recommended reading order for people who like to read full series.
pageturner11 commented on just_a_froggie's update
just_a_froggie completed their yearly reading goal of 60 books!
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pageturner11 commented on xriorsonforeverx's update
pageturner11 commented on Kats_tintentraum's update
Kats_tintentraum set their yearly reading goal to 150
pageturner11 commented on HollyJolly1225's update
HollyJolly1225 completed their yearly reading goal of 45 books!
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Fall 2024 Readalong
Read at least 1 book in the Fall 2024 Readalong.
Post from the book forum
idk why it didn't click from the description that this is set in New York City, the setting is wayy more modern than I thought - was hoping for more of a real greek pantheon vibe, especially from the cover
pageturner11 started reading...
Alexandra Bracken
pageturner11 finished reading and wrote a review...
WOW i savored this one, took me weeks to finish because I wanted to absorb every page, mull over every plot point. I felt so invested from start to finish. Super impressed with how everything tied together so satisfyingly!!
Post from the book forum
Post from the book forum
Can't tell if this Van Laar fam is actually insane or if I just don't understand rich people
pageturner11 finished reading and wrote a review...
I listened to this on audiobook and tbh I wish I would have just gone with print - the battles and quick scene changes had me really confused. I might come back to this and read the print version before the second book comes out since I do feel invested enough to continue with the series.