egyptjen commented on a post
I just finished ACOTAR two days ago. I really enjoyed the series. That series created my faith in SJM to begin TOG. So today I start the series. I am going to read it in publication order despite what booktok says. SJM recommends reading it in publication order. Yay for this journey!
egyptjen wants to read...
Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)
Sarah J. Maas
egyptjen wants to read...
Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)
Sarah J. Maas
egyptjen wants to read...
Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6)
Sarah J. Maas
egyptjen wants to read...
Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)
Sarah J. Maas
egyptjen wants to read...
You Dreamed of Empires
Álvaro Enrigue
Post from the Sarah J Massverse forum
I just finished ACOTAR two days ago. I really enjoyed the series. That series created my faith in SJM to begin TOG. So today I start the series. I am going to read it in publication order despite what booktok says. SJM recommends reading it in publication order. Yay for this journey!
egyptjen joined a quest
Sarah J Massverse 👑🌌❤️🔥
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Listed in the recommended reading order for people who like to read full series.
egyptjen finished reading and left a rating...
egyptjen finished reading and left a rating...
egyptjen finished reading and left a rating...
egyptjen set their yearly reading goal to 12
egyptjen started reading...
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)
Sarah J. Maas