hekareadsbooks started reading...
Blob: A Love Story
Maggie Su
hekareadsbooks created a list
hekareadsbooks feminist non-fiction TBR
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hekareadsbooks' priority TBR
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support women's wrongs
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bubblegum horror
hekareadsbooks wants to read...
The Threshing Floor
Steph Nelson
Post from the When the Wolf Comes Home forum
hekareadsbooks set their yearly reading goal to 50
hekareadsbooks paused reading...
All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us About Women's Bodies and Why It Matters Today
Elizabeth Comen
hekareadsbooks paused reading...
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk
hekareadsbooks finished reading and wrote a review...
"For a moment, she wanted nothing but to think about these women, and the many women like them, and those unlike them too. She thought about what they all went through each day: the great, gruelling trial of being a woman in a world governed by men." The Hounding by Xenobe Purvis is a phenomenal debut. Beautifully written and very timely, I highly recommend this read for 2025. Five strange and gothic sisters living on a farm in 18th century England who are spotted by villagers turning into dogs? Ya, you read that right. This is a story about how the world views women who are outside of the norm, who don't fit the mold, and who dare to be independent or different. We follow multiple villagers perspective of the girls, including some who love them and some who hate them. We watch as rumors spread and destroy their reputation, and the lengths that people will go to to get them back in line. Also, the cover is clearly gorgeous. Thank you to NetGalley and Henry Holt & Co for the eARC. It was a wonderful read.
hekareadsbooks commented on a post
I just discovered the amazingness that is Libby thanks to everyone on here! I went to the library this week and got a library card, checked out a book from the spring reading list like it was a divine sign to read it, and then put this book on hold based on all the amazing conversations I've seen around it on pagebound. Y'all are the best and all the updates have me extra excited for the hold to come in!