jenniferPagebound's avatar


co-founder of Pagebound 💜

1820 points

0% overlap
Top Contributor
Winter 2025 Readalong
Critically Acclaimed Memoirs
Reading...My Murder
My Taste
Cloud Cuckoo Land
The Goldfinch
Fates and Furies
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

jenniferPagebound commented on a post

  • No One Is Talking About This
    Reading Update from 3% (page 11)

    The lack of structure in the writing is a bit tough for me but I'm gonna keep pushing through

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Opening links in new tabs

    Would it be possible to change settings so that anywhere there is a clickable link that that would be able to right click open in new tab option? If I've just seen my friend add a book and I want to check out that book, I usually have to left click and navigate away from my home feed instead of open that book in a new tab. From an author's page, I can left click on any book cover to go to that book's page, but right click only allows to (open image, save image, copy image) etc. Or if I try to right click on the title or anywhere in the white box of blurb text, the options are (back, forward, reload, save as) etc On my home feed it feels totally random whether I can right click new tab-- -a post from the forum, dark blue background, seems to have 'open in new tab' function when clicking on that book cover, but not the white text that shows the reading update (I realized that clicking on the white text will open pop-up to show the full update text instead of opening a new page-- but the blue text within that pop-up that says 'book forum' is not able to right click new tab) -seems like user names are always okay -pink box 'earned a badge' allows to right click open the quest link -pink box 'wrote a review' allows to right click on cover to go to that book's page, but not clicking on the review text -pink box 'finished a book' or 'wants to read' does NOT allow any right click navigation -someone commented on update, pink box 'DNF'd a book' does NOT allow any right click navigation -someone commented on post, orange box containing the reading update-- both usernames and the cover are right-click fine but none of the white text box Within any Library I can left click on any tag and see that collection but can't open any tag in new tab Quest icons on someone's profile will left-click go to that quest but right click function as an image My following, my followers, my points, the participants who have joined a quest } none right click to new tab (I think actually because these open as a pop-up instead of navigating to new page 🤔)

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Book titles on posts

    Hello! Would it be possible to include the title in addition to the covers on posts that appear on the main feed? The images are pretty small so it’s hard to tell what book it is if it’s new to me without clicking into the post!

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Suggestion for visibility of the edit reading dates button

    I'm so glad the ability to edit reading dates is here! I've been poking around at it for a little bit and I do have one suggestion - when adding books that were not already marked as being in my TBR, I think that having the little "edit" box pop up right after you click the "reading" button would help with making the updating process a little smoother. When I marked my current book as "reading", I kind of expected the box to pop up right above the place to add tags, so when it didn't, I spent a while on the page for the book itself trying to see if it was maybe there was a button for it on the book page itself but it was not there either. After going to my library and checking on it, it was not immediately obvious to me that in order to update it I needed to click the little "eye" in the right corner in order for the status to pop back up. I think for anybody who does not read the update posts, that they probably would not even realize that this feature exists unless they clicked on the eye by accident/out of curiosity. I had to go back through my own TBR to realize that the reason why it didn't show up for me initially is because I didn't have any "status" marked for the book to begin with (which happens a lot for me, since I tend to never read books that are actually in my TBR LOL.) I think maybe it would be better so that setting any status automatically triggers the box to edit read dates pops up instead of having to click a status button, update, and then go back to edit it. Additionally, maybe a separate button on the book page itself below the "set status" button that is dedicated to read dates?

    comments 12
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Suggestion for visibility of the edit reading dates button

    I'm so glad the ability to edit reading dates is here! I've been poking around at it for a little bit and I do have one suggestion - when adding books that were not already marked as being in my TBR, I think that having the little "edit" box pop up right after you click the "reading" button would help with making the updating process a little smoother. When I marked my current book as "reading", I kind of expected the box to pop up right above the place to add tags, so when it didn't, I spent a while on the page for the book itself trying to see if it was maybe there was a button for it on the book page itself but it was not there either. After going to my library and checking on it, it was not immediately obvious to me that in order to update it I needed to click the little "eye" in the right corner in order for the status to pop back up. I think for anybody who does not read the update posts, that they probably would not even realize that this feature exists unless they clicked on the eye by accident/out of curiosity. I had to go back through my own TBR to realize that the reason why it didn't show up for me initially is because I didn't have any "status" marked for the book to begin with (which happens a lot for me, since I tend to never read books that are actually in my TBR LOL.) I think maybe it would be better so that setting any status automatically triggers the box to edit read dates pops up instead of having to click a status button, update, and then go back to edit it. Additionally, maybe a separate button on the book page itself below the "set status" button that is dedicated to read dates?

    comments 12
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Ability to Scroll Currently Reading books on the main page

    Hi! I'm wondering if there's a way to add a scroll bar or a way for us to post an update on books we're reading that aren't showing up in the main page?

    comments 5
  • Post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Product & Dev Update 1/22/25

    Hi everyone! I'm back with another product update. We're working full force on the app (which I know many of you are excited about, including myself 😅) and have managed to squeeze out a few improvements to the site over the past few weeks: 1. You can *finally* edit reading dates and track rereads 🥳 we have always been tracking your start/end dates and rereads on the backend, but this feature allows you to see all that data and edit it. You can access and edit these dates by clicking the book status icon and clicking the "add or edit dates read" toggle. 2. You can now leave a written review without submitting a star rating 3. Some UI improvements to reviews (you always see your review first on the Book Page, clicking the stars on the book page does not edit your overall star rating, and some adjustments to the review card that makes reading long reviews easier) Thanks to all who wrote in with feedback, book dupes, and bugs! And a big thanks to everyone for making Pagebound so warm and welcoming - our community is growing and its been so great to see everyone connecting and supporting each other. Happy Reading, Team Pagebound 💜💙

    comments 12
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post

  • Hello Beautiful
    Reading Update from 77% (page 449)

    View spoiler

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on karigan's update

    karigan started reading...

    Water for Elephants

    Water for Elephants

    Sara Gruen


    jenniferPagebound commented on Allyyys's review of Cloud Cuckoo Land

  • Cloud Cuckoo Land
    Enjoyment: 3.5Quality: 4.0Characters: 4.0Plot: 4.0

    I took an incredibly long time to read this but I'm so glad I finished it. The story does a beautiful job of telling stories of the past, present, and future and how stories intertwine. All it takes is one story to engender hope into the lives of different characters living in different time periods. The only thing I would say is it was a bit slow in the middle (which is why I was stuck in a bit of a reading slump) but if you power through you will find that all the details are worth reading.

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post

  • Rewriting your favorite Greek myth

    If you could rewrite and change your favorite Greek myth, what would you change? What would you have the characters do differently? How would that affect their fate?

    comments 5
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post

  • Hello Beautiful
    Reading Update from 28% (page 160)

    I don’t like Julia. That’s it. Lol

    comments 2
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Bug leaving emojis on reviews?

    On the "select 3 emojis" thing when leaving a review, if you try and back out of the emoji selector without selecting an emoji, it'll just close out the review window and remove what you've written/changed. You have to choose an emoji and then just remove it if you decide you don't want to add another emoji after opening the picker it seems

    comments 2
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Trigger Warnings

    I just had a random thought and idk if it is in the works or not. But the ability to add trigger warnings on here would be amazing. I am finding less bothers me now, but it could be a helpful tool for those who have triggers they want to avoid.

    comments 1
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Ability to Scroll Currently Reading books on the main page

    Hi! I'm wondering if there's a way to add a scroll bar or a way for us to post an update on books we're reading that aren't showing up in the main page?

    comments 5
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Ability to submit reviews without leaving a rating?

    I added a book to my DNF shelf and I wanted to leave an explanation as to why, and that's when I noticed that you can't submit a review without leaving an overall rating as well. It would be nice if we could review without having to rate, esp because when it comes to DNFing books I don't really like to leave ratings since it seems unfair of me to leave ratings for things I didn't even read all the way ^^;

    comments 12
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Reading streak

    Would it be possible to add an optional reading streak to this site? It helps me personally to not forget to read.

    comments 4
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Seeing series'?

    Just realised there's no way to tell if a book is part of a series or not on it's page - unless it's been put into its name but that doesn't seem to be consistent? This is incredibly frustrating as there's often spoilers for previous books in the descriptions and publishers don't like advertising when something is part of a series for some stupid reason.

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  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post

  • LGBTQ+ Rep in Cozy Fantasy

    With a few of these cozy fantasy books under my belt, I feel like I'm noticing a trend where of those that include a romantic storyline, a much smaller proportion are straight compared to the fantasy genre in general. I considered if it's just selection bias, but I usually find myself being (pleasantly) surprised by it because I hadn't known in advance of picking a given book up. Has anyone else noticed the same trend, and if so do y'all have any theories as to why that trend might exist?

    comments 6
  • jenniferPagebound commented on a post from the Pagebound Club forum

  • Ability to search by overlap % for people

    The ability to see who on the site has the highest overlap with you would be fantastic. Just being able to see the newest users and the top contributors feels incredibly limiting

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