Post from the Fourth Wing (The Empyrean, #1) forum
I got this book for Christmas and I am finally getting around to reading it! All I know about it so far is that there's dragons and honestly that's all I need to know. Can't wait to dive into it tomorrow
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Fourth Wing (The Empyrean, #1)
Rebecca Yarros
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Made for the Movies 🎥⭐😎
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Books that made it on the big screen
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Lord of the Rings & Tolkien's Legendarium 🧙♂️🌳🔥
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The four books in Tolkien’s main Middle-earth saga + several other collections published posthumously.
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Sarah J Massverse 👑🌌❤️🔥
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Listed in the recommended reading order for people who like to read full series.
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Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings 🐉⚔️🌊
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If you're a completionist, read in this order. Otherwise you can start with The Liveship Traders Trilogy or The Rain Wild Chronicles, but make sure you save Fitz and the Fool for last.
Post from the Letters to My Daughters forum
I'm very torn on this book so far. Some story lines I'm finding very interesting, others not so much. I think Jeanie's story is intriguing me the most at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing what she ends up doing later in the book! Beatrice's story is also very fun to follow along, I love myself a boss woman! The last two POV's, Rose and Martha make me so irrationally angry I struggle getting through their chapters. I hope I can finish this story soon but those two characters are making it very difficult at the moment
KillerQueen started reading...
Letters to My Daughters
Emma Hannigan
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The Afterlife of Holly Chase
Cynthia Hand
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Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Max Tegmark
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The Princess Diarist
Carrie Fisher
KillerQueen set their yearly reading goal to 20
Post from the The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos, #1) forum
I read this book when it first came out and it's been one of my favourites ever since. I would love to reread it at some point and hopefully read the new book Samantha Shannon came out with!
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Spring 2025 Readalong
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